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Retention of motivated employees is important for any business. Often they will be the key drivers in the company growth and the best ambassadors for the company, boosting morale, productivity and reducing costs in the business.

Share schemes can be a cost-effective way of motivating your team and are increasingly being launched by business of all shapes and sizes and across many sectors.

Whether you’re looking at share options for rewarding your team, bringing new talent into the business, increasing engagement or thinking about succession planning - there’s several different ways that you can incentivise employees by offering equity in the business.   

What will the webinar cover?

Why offer an employee share scheme?
How employee share schemes work
Tax efficiencies of share schemes
Different types of share schemes
We’ll cover the detail from both the tax and legal perspectives, offering lots of helpful information about the most popular and tax efficient schemes, alongside the difference between shares and options for employees and how to help you protect your business.

There is an opportunity to submit questions on the day.

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